Tame-Water collaborates closely with academic research laboratories from different countries.
Its partners include French laboratories and international groups at the forefront of the field of biosensors for environmental applications, for example:
In France, the CBAC laboratories (UMR CNRS 6144 GEPEA), LEESU (UMR CNRS MA-102 UPEC) and IRCM U1194 (INSERM) ; and internationally: the Universities of Bologne, Jérusalem, Tel-Aviv and the Polytechnic Institute of Turin.
In France, Tame-Water is actively involved in interministerial working groups (Bioassays and Environmental Metrology) coordinated by the OFB, INERIS and LNE.
Tame-Water has also set up a network of private entities including private operators such as the WatchFrog laboratory, the Hydreos, Pôle Mer Bretagne, Eco-Tech Durapôle competitiveness clusters, the company Kallistem and major cross-border players such as BDS, MicroLife Solutions and LEITAT.
Finally, the Tame-Water team is proud to collaborate with the Belgian public drinking water utility, VIVAQUA, via one of its innovative products, INSITOX.